Weather report from the Las Vegas Strip: it’s f*cking hot. Your mission: scoop the hottest summer accessories and outshine the desert sun.

1. Tom Ford Shades – Unsurprisingly, the hottest American designer makes really good looking sunnies. Available in classic (metal frames) or modern (acetate frames). Not for the faint of pocket.

2. Stackable Bracelets – The bead bracelet thing is still around, but fading. Coming up fast: super colorful, clean, lightweight, rope or leather. Stacks on stacks!Pictured: Southern France-inspired up-and-coming label, San Torpé

3. Lapel Flowers – STITCHED influenced the biggest suiting trend in years: lapel flowers (reference: every awards show this year.) Lapel flowers are massive and if you don’t have several, hop aboard.Pictured: Hook and Albert lapel flower

4. Lapel Pins – If you’ve been on lapel flowers, lapel pins are what’s next. You’re welcome.Pictured: Influential London-based jewelry designer, Tateossian.

5. Sports Watches – Brera watches are chunky, sporty, and look nice in gold-much like our boy Anthony Bennett. AB has more upside, but Brera could be around longer. Prove me wrong tho!

6. Pocket Circles – Look, your jacket is naked with an empty pocket, and pocket circles are the new pocket squares. Circles hold infinite fold possibilities. See what we did there?Pictured: XXXX Collection pocket circle.